A Contract To Myself

Published: 2024-02-12

This is a contract to myself, with two goals to accomplish by the end of 2024.

The First Goal: Make my first indie dollars online.

The Second Goal: Find my Style.

The first one is pretty straightforward. Last year I did a few side quests alongside working on my frontend skills. This year is the time to start trying to build useful products and make my first indie dollars.

My second goal is to find my style. I find that the products I enjoy using the most, and the best people to follow have their own style. Like an artistic style but about everything they do.

Similar to the issues faced by Levels post 12 Startups in 12 Months people have an issue with finishing and launching, myself included. So this is a contract to myself, to decide my path.


Luckily there are those who I can draw inspiration from, levelsio, patio11, and marc_louvion, to name a few.

I'm on Twitter if you want to follow for more updates. Cheers!